

In today’s data-driven world, mathematical fluency is essential in almost every industry. Tailor your studies to match your academic 和 career interests with UNC’s versatile 数学学士学位课程. 专注于中学教学的数学学位, applied mathematics or liberal arts can propel you toward graduate school or employment in education, business, statistics, computer 科学 和 many other fields.

No matter which focus you choose, you’ll benefit from UNC’s small classes 和 highly 从事教师. 我们的数学学士学位课程提供了非凡的机会 对Ph值.D. faculty, providing you with unusually broad opportunities for academic guidance, 专业指导和研究参与. 你将以优异的成绩毕业 preparation for the job market, 和 if you’re seeking employment as a secondary math teacher, you’ll benefit from UNC’s highly regarded, innovative teacher education programs.


B.S. 在数学方面

数学 和 related areas have been important human endeavors since ancient times. 数学 is a discipline with its own questions, methods, 和 content 和 a tool 来解释自然世界. 数学、统计学和计算机科学已经成为 essential to almost every other discipline such as the natural 科学s, the social 科学、商业和经济.

B.S. 计算机科学

B.S. 计算机科学 focuses on the design of computers, computational processes for problem-solving, 和 information transfer 和 transformation, with an emphasis on improving software 和 system quality, security, performance, 和 usability. 的 program supports the evolution of the computing 和 informatics 学科, 和 the integration of computer 和 information 科学s with other 学科 in the 科学s. 

Computer Science professionals design, analyze 和 improve the quality of computer software 和 systems for a variety of applications, including artificial intelligence, computer vision, cybersecurity, graphics, information management, multimedia, networking, 以及人机交互. 


B.S. 在统计学中

BS Statistics Major provides students with instruction in the basic techniques, applications, 和 theories of statistics, including the design 和 analysis of statistical models, in 各种各样的设置 such as biology, business, criminal justice, earth 科学s, geography, medicine, law, psychology 和 other social, natural 和 健康科学. Exp和ed computational, scientific, 和 statistical knowledge, combined with growing needs in technology, have created increased dem和s for individuals trained 在统计学中. 毕业生准备从事与设计相关的工作 和 analysis of statistical models in such areas as environmental, governmental, industrial, military, 和 social settings, 和 for additional graduate study in the areas of applied statistics 以及运筹学.


a B的浓度.S. 在数学方面


Few mathematics bachelor’s degree programs can match UNC’s dual focus on high-level 数学内容与高级教师培训. 你会得到难得的好处 在攻读博士学位的同时获得教学证书.D. 数学系在一个数学系 而不是教育部门. 该专业包括一个学期 student-teaching 实习,加上教学、课程和教学法方面的课程. 接近100% of recent graduates from our Secondary Teaching concentration 毕业一年内找到数学老师的工作吗.


UNC has one of the few middle school teaching certifications in the state.  这个程序 includes both high-level mathematics content as well as courses directly connected 到你要教的内容.  本专业包括一个学期的学生教学 实习,加上教学、课程和教学法方面的课程.  接近100% of recent graduates from our Middle School Teaching concentration have found jobs 在毕业一年内成为数学老师.

Exp和ed scientific, statistical 和 mathematical knowledge, combined with growing needs in technological as well as social areas, have created increased dem和s for individuals trained in applied mathematics, computer 科学, statistics 和 data 科学. 我们提供这些领域的集中课程.


This concentration focuses on applications of mathematics to real-life problems 和 包括一些支持计算机科学和统计学. 毕业生准备好了 technical positions in such areas as environmental, governmental, industrial, military, 和 social settings 和 for additional graduate study in mathematics 和 other related 学科.

的 concentration also prepares graduates for graduate programs in mathematics, applied 数学、统计学和数据科学. 学生将为开始职业生涯做好准备 in a variety of quantitative settings including branches of engineering, physical 还有社会科学、金融和管理、法律和医学.


This concentration focuses on the design of computers, computational processes for problem-solving, 和 information transfer 和 transformation, with an emphasis on improving software 和 system quality, security, performance, 和 usability.  年代的学生 will be prepared for careers with computer software companies, careers involving a significant use of computer technology, or for additional graduate study in computer 科学及其他相关学科.


This concentration focuses on statistical foundations 和 their applications to problems 在不同的学科,e.g. 商业、农业、医学、法律、文学、心理学 和 other social 科学s, 和 on the design 和 analysis of statistical models in 各种各样的设置. 毕业生准备从事与设计相关的工作 和 analysis of statistical models in such areas as environmental, governmental, industrial, military, 和 social settings, 和 for additional graduate study in the areas of applied 统计与运筹学.



的 basic math minor pairs well with majors in business, 科学 和 the social 科学s; it adds skills that improve your competitiveness on the job market. 你会享受广阔的天地。 flexibility to take courses in calculus, statistics, probability, differential equations 以及其他高级科目.



Skills in computer programming, computational process for problem-solving, 和 software 设计是任何专业和职业准备的重要补充. 这个辅修课程包括 18 credits for coursework in subjects such as programming, algorithms 和 data structures, 软件工程和机器学习.



Statistical expertise can add career-boosting value to many majors. 这个辅修课程包括 20 to 21 credits of coursework in subjects such as probability theory, linear regression, 抽样技术和微积分.



This minor does not lead to a teacher certification, but it combines well with education-related degrees to provide you with expertise in the important 科学, technology, engineering 和数学(STEM)教育类别. 课程包括线性代数、微积分、 几何与离散数学.



Nearly every industry relies on higher math skills in some respect, so the math bachelor’s degree with an Applied Math emphasis or Liberal 艺术 emphasis opens up good career opportunities in health care, medicine, business, engineering, environmental research, 制造业,计算机技术和许多其他领域. STEM教育排名 among the nation’s most talked-about priorities, our 理学学士 in Math, Secondary Teacher Concentration, prepares you to step directly into a dynamic sector 就业市场.


  • 热爱数学
  • 享受合作解决问题
  • 寻求多种职业选择
  • Focused on a career in math teaching, engineering, computers, statistics or another 数学相关领域
  • 有兴趣和其他数学家交流


  • Higher math concepts such as differential equations, numerical analysis 和 mathematical 建模
  • Statistical concepts including linear regression 和 probability theory
  • 计算机科学 skills such as object-oriented programming 和 algorithm writing
  • Classroom teaching 和 curriculum development (teacher emphasis area only)


  • 计算机编程
  • 抽象代数
  • 几何
  • 数学建模


UNC’s large, active math department offers many opportunities for extracurricular 活动. 的 student-run Math Club meets weekly 和 sponsors lectures, movies, problem-solving 比赛和更多. Each fall the Math Club sponsors the Gathering for Gardner Celebration 心灵的. Students also regularly attend regional 和 national mathematics conferences.


  • 中学数学老师(7 - 12年级)
  • 计算机科学
  • 商业和金融
  • 工程
  • 数学研究生院


UNC faculty pursue varied research projects 和 areas of interest, including:




支持学生学习STEM (partnership with City of Greeley) provides opportunities for students typically underrepresented in advanced STEM pathways with an academic experience in enriched math 和 科学 topics as well as underst和ing about STEM career pathways 和 post-secondary education 选项. 这个程序 combines the Rodarte Community Center’s STEM Summer Scholars program with a supported after school program integrating a focus on mathematical 实践和内容,提供全年的STEM编程. 多年期资助 from United Way of Weld County provides an opportunity to support a community partnership 和 introduce graduate students to a community partnership supporting marginalized 青年(和他们的家庭)直接从事数学.

As the mathematics education field investigates what it means to teach math for justice (Ladson-Billings, 2015) 和 how to authentically integrate students’ lived experiences 走进数学教室, 支持学生学习STEM provides an opportunity to support students’ classroom learning beyond classroom 墙.




凯蒂·莫里森 earned her PhD in mathematics in 2012 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 和 joined the UNC School of Mathematical Sciences that same year. 她专注于 algebraic coding theory 和 on the application of mathematics to neuro科学. In 2015 she presented “Problem-Solving Tasks Fostering Mathematical Discourse 60-minute joint presentation” (with 基尔德Karakok) at the 2015 National Council for Teachers 数学年会在马萨诸塞州波士顿举行.




Dr. Karakok’s research focuses on transfer of learning of mathematics 和 mathematical 高等教育的创造力. 最近,她出版了 一本书的章节 题为 Exploration of Students’ Mathematical Creativity with Actor-oriented 转移 to Develop Actor-oriented创造力, which proposes a theoretical framework to explore the intersectionality of transfer 创造力研究结构. 和她的研究小组(中国中铁),他们正处于人生的最后阶段 同意项目 探讨微积分课程的创造性. 此外,Dr。. Karakok创建 和 facilitates various professional development activities for mathematics faculty 论本科数学课程的教学(e.g., AIBL). 她与人合著了 书的研究 to guide faculty in reading of MAA’s Instructional Practices (IP) Guide. 目前, she is working on professional development activities for faculty who are interested in enhancing their knowledge 和 skills on conducting research in mathematics education. 她与来自 同行 协助举办工作坊(同行芝加哥)在2021年开展这项工作. 她是…的当选主席 MAA落基山部分 和 also serves on the Colorado Council of Teachers of 数学(CCTM)董事会.

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